I've been prompted to write about this subject by an incident that I experienced yesterday. I work in a government building and since I reside in Northern California, there are many Giants fans along with A's fans. I understand that since I live here, the expectation is to be outnumbered 10:1. No problem. As soon as someone hears that I am a fan of Dodger Blue, I hear about it. Again, no problem. I have never been upset by any jibes or taunts about my favorite team. I respond with fact because no team is perfect and can work on things to be better. The Dodgers don't pay me. I do not work for the Dodgers or any of their affiliations. I have no money invested with the team. I do not own any part of the team. So, why should I get upset if an opposing fan wants to take a shot at them?
The incident I'm referring to happened recently(the day after the Dodgers swept the Giants). I was walking through a certain department and overheard a group discussion about favorite baseball teams. Since I was on my way out, I nonchalantly said a, 'Go Dodgers' and walked on. I was yelled at from across the room to come back. I knew who the person was and who they claim to be a fan of and so, I walked back and greeted this person as "2nd place". Maybe that was a little bit much but since I was being called back to be berated, I figured, 'oh well'. This so-called Giants fan proceeds to attempt to lecture me about the money the Dodgers spend, can't beat the Cardinals, 3 in 5...blah blah blah.. The same arguments the Giants fans always have. Meanwhile, I retort in my usual way of closing those arguments with, "we have it to spend, maybe the Giants need to spend some, the Cardinals won't always be a problem and we are in a new year." This person's demeanor and attitude were completely uncalled for, as anyone within earshot could hear her cliche' responses and angry tone.
As I have been writing this, another incident came up at a Stockton Ports game and involved the same person. I was sitting there enjoying the game with my wife and friends and said person referenced my Dodger cap that I was wearing and, lo and behold, other Giants fans proceeded to chime in with, "that's a losers hat" and "we beat you last time." Obviously drunk talk, as one of the older gentleman evidently had a few. He went on to make a fool of himself in front of his quiet significant other for the rest of the evening so I paid him no mind.
Now I've heard it all and more so lately since that series. They seem to be hurt physically and emotionally by the sweep so I guess I can understand their frustration. Personally, I've not even brought it up to any of my friends that are Giants fans. I haven't had to. They seem to be the ones to remind me about it.
Now I love the Dodgers. I love Dodger Stadium, Dodger Dogs, Cool-A-Coo's, left field pavilion, banana rally's, Vin Scully and Sandy Koufax. Nothing will ever, ever change that. But somehow, these fans seem to make it their goal to try. I will admit, I married a Giants fan. She's a beautiful, intelligent, capable person. At first, even I wanted her to be a Dodger fan. Then I realized that I would never want someone to switch their teams just because I wanted them to or felt they 'should' be one.
Giants fans aren't all bad. My father-in-law is also one and I love the guy. We have our moments back and forth about the teams but it's all in fun. It's the ones that get downright angry or hostile that are disappointing. It goes both ways, I suppose. I'll call out a Dodger fan if they are being unreasonable about our team. But, since I'm up here, it's easy to see so many bad Giants fans. They are bad losers and even worse winners under the guise of being "passionate". I just can't imagine Giants players or ownership condoning such behavior. It also says a lot about the person. I love baseball as much as the next guy but it's not my life. I have my God, my family and much in this world to do. Baseball and the Dodgers are, in the grand existential scheme of things, a small part. Love the game, folks. Love it and your team, whoever it may be but respect it and yourself.
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