Tuesday, August 06, 2013

I seem to be the only one not talking about this...

Alex Rodriguez. What is wrong with this guy? By the way, I refuse to call him 'A-Rod' simply because, to me, it sounds too much like a term of endearment. Anyway..

Like any drug addict, he's in denial. He will not admit to his problem and probably never will. When the suspensions were handed down from the MLB gods, Alex Rodriguez, so far, has been the only one to not accept it. Didn't this guy admit to using PEDs in 2009??? Take your punishment like a man. Admit what was done and move on. I think he realizes that if he takes the suspension, the Yankees most likely will not want him back in lineup come the 2015 season. He's too old, a liability and (dare I say it?)was never that good to begin with without the juice.

Out of the 13 suspended, so far, most of them, have admitted, apologized publicly or privately and accepted their suspensions. Just do the right thing, Mr. Rodriguez. You faced one of the worst invasions of boo-birds in Chicago yesterday. Think of how things will go down in Yankee Stadium. The Yanks have some of the most loyal and driven fans in all of MLB. They won't take lightly one of their own turning on them. Because isn't that what this really is? It's a misrepresentation of who you are as a player. We will never really know who Alex Rodriguez really is as a baseball player.

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