Saturday, August 24, 2013

Pink Night Jersey "Silent" Auction

So, like I said in my previous posting, I do hope that Pink Night was successful on every front, including, the jersey auction and I hope that thousands of dollars were raised in support of it. However, I believe this process can be refined, both by the Ports staff as well as the Stockton community.

First of all, rules need to be made regarding HOW to bid. And I guess most of that wouldn't be necessary if that element of 'ghetto Stockton' didn't show up and rear its ugly face. But, that being said, bidding would be easier if the number of jerseys you are allowed to bid on is limited to 2 or 3. Case in point: There was one person last night that bid on every single jersey. I realize that it's all for charity but, come on people, is doing this just a ploy to be recognized by your own peers so you can say, 'I bid on every single jersey cuz I'm Mizz Poster Child of Breast Cancer Awareness!'? Nobody's buying it. What if you won 10 jerseys? You're telling me that you would plunk down a credit card for..calculating..and this is a low figure..$850??? No. Stop showing off. We learned not to do that in 1st grade.

Second, if you see a player's name on the bid sheet, chances are, he wants his jersey. Recognize that these guys have families, wives and girlfriends. They don't need you bidding them up and taking their jerseys from them if they want to gift it to their own family. I overheard one of Stockton's ghetto's finest say last night as they were hovering over a bid sheet, mind you, after being told to step back by staff, "He's gonna be so mad. I'm gonna sell it back to him!" How lowbrow do you have to be that, in order to be noticed by a player, you need to be a douchebag? This person continued hovering and placing what I could only assume it's family around to 'protect' the bid sheet from other bidders, even to the point of elbowing a few from getting close. Fortunately, this person did NOT win the jersey she was after and showed her ignorance and ill upbringing by cursing loudly, in front of young people, including her own child, at the young woman who placed the last bid. She continued to curse, whine and pout when all was said and done.

Ah Stockton, you never cease to disappoint.

As we here in Stockton have heard and some take pride in saying, "You live in Stockton, not Fairyland." Unfortunately there is a 'type' that shows up at every public event or function here in town. It is a 'type' that knows no courtesy, no kindness, no tact, no social civility, no sophistication and an inordinate sense of entitlement, commonly referred to as, "ghetto."

So, Stockton Ports organization, if you are reading, please, exact some new rules regarding these "silent" auctions and please enforce them.

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